3 Microgreens Salad Recipes That Will Get Your Lips Smacking!

Gradually as people are starting to learn the benefits of eating healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle, more and more of them are turning towards organic ingredients like microgreens. However, organic doesn’t always equal delicacy and that’s why you need to toss in some of this and some of that and conjure up something that would make you smack your lips.

Microgreens salad is one of those tasty recipes that can be eaten and loved by all. Kids love microgreens for sure, maybe not for their taste but definitely for their cute little size. In this article, you will learn how to make a mouthwatering salad from your microgreens with a tangy touch of orange pulp.

You will also find some more salad recipes ranging from simple tossed salad to a complex mix of a variety of ingredients. You can try out these delicious and healthy salads and devour them during or after your meals to nourish your body with essential nutrients that boost your metabolism, leading to smoother digestion and a healthier lifestyle.

microgreens salad 3 Lip Smacking Microgreens Salad Recipes 1

This article is not just about the recipes but at the end of this article, you will also learn about the nutritional and health benefits of microgreens and why you need to incorporate these healthy greens into your daily diet. 

A Tangy Microgreens Salad

Tangy Microgreens Salad
Tangy Microgreens Salad | Image Source: Family Garden Life


For salad:

Approximately 1 cup of microgreens (your choice), an orange (peeled and cut in cubes), chopped walnuts (1/4 cup), a peeled carrot cut in strips (or grated), a diced pear/apple/avocado.

For dressing:

Olive oil (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (1 tablespoon), finely chopped garlic (optional), salt and pepper for taste.


Mix all the ingredients mentioned above and toss them lightly. Use a spatula to mix all of the ingredients properly. For an added taste, make a vinaigrette dressing from the ingredients mentioned above and slightly drizzle it over the salad.

Enjoy the salad with or after your meal for a healthy dose of nutrition.

A Nut-free Microgreens Salad

Vegan, Nut-free Microgreens Salad
Vegan, Nut-free Microgreens Salad | Image Source: Nature’s Emporium

If you are a vegan, then this is the perfect dish for you. This peppy salad is full of feisty microgreens and a perfect dressing that offers a punch of zesty tang and sweetness. This recipe is full of proteins, calories, carbohydrates and sodium.

For salad:

Hemp seeds (¼ cup), avocado (1, diced), yeast flakes (¼ cup), a mix of microgreens: arugula (100g), radish (100g), amaranth (20g), basil (20g) and sunflower (75g).

For dressing:

Maple syrup (2 tablespoons), yellow mustard (1 tablespoon), lemon (1, zest and juice), avocado oil (1/3 cup), salt and black pepper as per taste.   

Combine all the salad ingredients in a bowl and give them a good toss so that all the microgreens, seeds, flakes and fruits emulsify in taste. After this, prepare the dressing from the ingredients mentioned above and drizzle it over the salad for an added punch of taste. You can also prepare and refrigerate the salad separately in air-tight containers and mix them together at the time of serving.

Chop Chop Microgreens Salad with Chickpea Croutons and Green Goddess Dressing

Chop Chop Microgreens Salad with Chickpea Croutons and Green Goddess Dressing
Chop Chop Microgreens Salad with Chickpea Croutons and Green Goddess Dressing | Image Source: Eating Works

Take a bowl and mix julienne-cut carrots, shredded red cabbage, romaine lettuce, microgreens (any, according to your choice), and give them a good toss.

Season the chickpeas with salt and cumin to intensify their taste and roast them on a baking sheet in preheated oven (400°F). It’d take approximately 25 minutes for the chickpeas to turn crispy. Do this step before you mix your salad ingredients.

Once done, let the chickpeas cool down a little and add them to your salad bowl.

Green goddess dressing is an easy one to make, all you need is the ingredients and a blender.

Mix apple cider vinegar, miso paste, tahini sauce, garlic cloves, basil and parsley. Now blend all of the ingredients together, to emulsify them, until they turn into a smooth paste.

Quick tip: You can prepare the salad and the dressing separately and store them in air-tight containers inside your fridge, this will also extend their shelf life. The dressing can be stored in refrigerated condition for up to a week.

Best Microgreens to Make Your Salad

  • Mesculan
  • Cress
  • Beetroots
  • Broccoli
  • Radish
  • Peas
  • Mustards

Benefits of Microgreens Salads

Nutritional Benefits

The following excerpt is taken from a study done on the nutritional concentrations of microgreens. The report was published in Digital Repository at the University of Maryland.

“Compared with the nutrient concentrations in mature leaves recorded in USDA National Nutrient Database, microgreen possessed higher nutrient density.”  

Many studies have confirmed that microgreens are filled with nutritional concentrations of proteins, vitamins and antioxidants. Some microgreens are also said to have antidepressant qualities. Some studies have affirmed that microgreens have 40 times higher nutrition than mature plants of the same vegetable.

However, some varieties of microgreens vary in their nutrient levels when compared to their mature versions and thus it must be considered that the species at hand might lead to varied results.

Health Benefits

Due to high nutritional values microgreens tend to have numerous health benefits and reduce the risk to many critical diseases.

Certain Cancers: Fruits and vegetables that are filled with polyphenols and antioxidants tend to lower the risks of some kinds of cancer. Microgreens that are found to possess polyphenols and antioxidants can be expected to produce similar effects.

Alzheimer’s: Some fruits, vegetables and microgreens which possess high amounts of antioxidants and polyphenols may cut down the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Diabetes: Fenugreek microgreens, when studied, were found to enhance cellular sugar uptake by 25-44% and because some varieties of microgreens are filled with antioxidants, they can help reduce your stress, thus preventing sugar from entering your cells.

Heart disease: Some studies have suggested that microgreens may lower LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides, both of which are linked to heart diseases. Since microgreens are an opulent source of polyphenols, a band of antioxidants, they are very helpful in lowering risks related to heart conditions.

Note: Even though all of these benefits sound promising, you should note that not many studies and reports are available to CONFIRM the effects of microgreens on medical conditions and that’s why a proper consultation from a health expert is always advised.


Microgreens are not just crispy and healthy, and they are surely not limited to only garnishing your meals. Choose the microgreens that you have grown in your backyard or buy a bag from the nearby organic store and start making your microgreens salads today.

So, now that you know how microgreens salads are made and why you should include them in your daily diet, you should start incorporating these nutritional nuggets of plants into your meals. You will surely see the benefits in near future.