Be Green, Eat Microgreens

Climb the Healthy Food Ladder to Happiness!

We bring to you all the information you need about healthy living, microgreens and organic foods, and how to grow them easily in your backyard.

Why Microgreens are so Popular?

Vibrant Taste

Microgreens add a dash of tangy, sweet taste to your regular meals

Health Benefits

One of the biggest benefits of eating microgreens is their amazing health benefits!

Nutritional Value

Microgreens are considered to be one of the most-nutritious food out there

Business Potential

Microgeens business is not just easy to start but also really profitable one to do

Fast and Easy

Microgreens are one of the easiest food to grow, you can harvest them in 14 days only!

Multiple Varieties

There are about 25 varieties of microgreens to choose from, so, eat what you want

Grow Your Own Microgreeens with Organealthy

Step by Step Tutorial

Step by step tutorials that can help you grown your own batch of microgreens

Complete Guides

We provide you with all the complete guides about the microgreens

Reliable Resources

Trustworthy resources that can help you grow your own microgreens

Latest Trends

We publish about all the latest trends in the microgreens business

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40X more nutrients than their mature counterparts

Frequently Asked Questions

Let us answer a few basic questions before you taste or grow your first microgreens!

Microgreens are not just easy to grow but also quick. You can harvest your microgreens in 14 days!

The shelf life of the microgreens, when harvested and stored properly, depends on its type. Generally, it is observed that microgreens bought from a store can stay crispy and eatable for up to 10-12 days. If you are a microgreens grower and have grown a batch for your own consumption, then they can last a little over 2 weeks.

Many studies have confirmed that microgreens are filled with nutritional concentrations of proteins, vitamins and antioxidants. Some microgreens are also said to have antidepressant qualities.

Some studies have affirmed that microgreens have 40 times higher nutrition than that of mature plants of the same vegetable.

Many studies have shown that microgreens can help control diabetes, improve blood circulation and digestion, cut down the risk of Alzheimer’s and certain cancers.

However, it is always advised that consult a doctor if you are consuming microgreens for a certain medical condition.

Buckwheat, Sunflower, Arugula, Broccoli, Cabbage, Watercress, Mustard, Radish are some of the most popular microgreens among microgreens lovers, for their color, taste and nutritional values. 

And these varieties are considered as profitable to grow too, as there is demand for these greens.

You have to decide whether you want to sell your micros at per tray price or per hour invested in the overall growth. Some growers might want to make $50-$60/hour of their efforts while some might be okay with $30/hour of their efforts, so you decide your rate.

Some varieties of microgreens like pea shoots, clover, sunflowers, swiss chards, kale, wheatgrass, radish, amaranth, arugula, red cabbage are considered as the healthiest and most nutritionally dense varieties of microgreens.

No, growing microgreens is not an expensive endeavor. You can easily grow them in your backyard or even basement

It will cost you a few thousand dollars to start, and you can recover them in no time!

Don't live for eating, eat for living

Start incorporating these tasty, tangy microgreens into your daily meals today and see the health benefits for yourself!